True Stories from People Just Like You
What you’re about to read are true stories from past clients who, just like you, started with a dream to live a life of lasting happiness and success. With the right guidance and support, those dreams have become their reality, and I couldn’t be more excited to share their experiences with you below.
Dominique had been struggling with his current position as a project manager for a major network studio. He felt like he was continually being passed over for an advancement and a raise.
Dominque was able to secure a 70% increase in his salary only 60 days after completing our program. That amount of salary increase has allowed him to buy a new home for his family.
Dominique A. Project Manager Dominque was able to secure a 70% increase in his salary only 60 days after completing our program. That amount of salary increase has allowed him to buy a new home for his family.

Stacy was very unhappy with her job. She was working for an abusive boss who didn't show her any respect and would verbally chastise her and her co-workers in front of their peers. She knew that she wanted more and to start her own business, but was afraid of the unknown and became complacent with the security of this toxic work environment.
After completing our program she left her old job, started and online marketing business and now is doing freelance work as well. She has more than doubled her salary within 6 months after completing our program.
Stacy P. Marketing After completing our program she left her old job, started and online marketing business and now is doing freelance work as well. She has more than doubled her salary within 6 months after completing our program.

Daniel had been working in his same industry for nearly 18 years, but always had the passion to go on his own, but was too scared and didn't want to jeopardize his family's security by leaving and starting his own business. He always knew he was capable, but was reluctant because he had it in his head that he didn't want to become a statistic and lose everything.
Once Daniel completed our program, he was determined to venture out and start his own business. Once the owner of his Company caught wind that he was potentially going to leave, the owner made him an offer that he could not refuse. The owner offered a portion of ownership in the business and Daniel accepted. Daniel potentially could make nearly 6 times what his prior salary was this year alone. And this is just the beginning for Daniel.
Daniel T. Manufacturing Once Daniel completed our program, he was determined to venture out and start his own business. Once the owner of his Company caught wind that he was potentially going to leave, the owner made him an offer that he could not refuse. The owner offered a portion of ownership in the business and Daniel accepted. Daniel potentially could make nearly 6 times what his prior salary was this year alone. And this is just the beginning for Daniel.

Samantha came to us very discouraged. She had been attempting for over 3 years to start her own clothing line, but kept coming up empty handed. Her fails were becoming her identity. She was overwhelmed and ready to throw in the towel.
After Samantha completed our program within about 4 months she too had a new approach to her desired outcome. Under no circumstances was she going to give up. She was able to start her clothing line that eventually lead to a brick and mortar business in her local home town. She's never been happy and more pleased with her new life.
Samantha D. Entrepreneur After Samantha completed our program within about 4 months she too had a new approach to her desired outcome. Under no circumstances was she going to give up. She was able to start her clothing line that eventually lead to a brick and mortar business in her local home town. She's never been happy and more pleased with her new life.

Michael was a struggling photographer. He was in debt and was close to losing his photography studio because he just wasn't able to create a large enough revenue stream to sustain his business. He had tried what he thought was everything imaginably possible, but was very close to selling off all his equipment and just go get a regular 9 to 5 job just so he could pay his bills.
Within a short amount of time after completing our program, Michael had the courage and knowhow to finally get past the obstacles that had plagued him in the past and was able to grow his business beyond his wildest beliefs. His business grew so fast that he has since been able to hire an assistant and another photographer to keep up with the demand. He say's he's living his dream now.
Michael E. Photographer Within a short amount of time after completing our program, Michael had the courage and knowhow to finally get past the obstacles that had plagued him in the past and was able to grow his business beyond his wildest beliefs. His business grew so fast that he has since been able to hire an assistant and another photographer to keep up with the demand. He say's he's living his dream now.

Dan was literally burning the candle at both ends. He was struggling to keep his automotive business afloat along with trying to find enough time to spend with his family. He had gotten to the point that he felt he not only was failing to not only sustain his business and now there was no possibility to actually grow it along with not finding the quality time to spend with his family. Dan was extremely stressed out with his life.
Once Dan completed our program, he started to see subtle but yet stark results in his life. The first thing that he noticed was that the quantity and quality of time that he gained to spend with his family had increased. As for his business, he just completed an expansion on his shop due to the increase in demands for his service. Dan said to me that this was like magic. I told him no, this is the impact of Quantum Leap growth and that it will continue as long as he sticks to the transformational structure that we laid out for him.
Dan. V. Business Owner Once Dan completed our program, he started to see subtle but yet stark results in his life. The first thing that he noticed was that the quantity and quality of time that he gained to spend with his family had increased. As for his business, he just completed an expansion on his shop due to the increase in demands for his service. Dan said to me that this was like magic. I told him no, this is the impact of Quantum Leap growth and that it will continue as long as he sticks to the transformational structure that we laid out for him.

Mary had been in the Real Estate industry for over 20 years. She knew she had the knowledge and experience to take her business to the next level, but she was truly struggling. She felt as if she hit a wall and could not get to the other side. She hit 'burn-out' mode.
After Mary completed our program she was able to land nearly 12 new listings within about 90 days along with helping 7 new home buyers. She has since started to build her own RE agency team and is on track to becoming her brokers top producer. Mary couldn't be happier with the outcome and she says she owe's it all to our amazing program.
Mary D. Realtor After Mary completed our program she was able to land nearly 12 new listings within about 90 days along with helping 7 new home buyers. She has since started to build her own RE agency team and is on track to becoming her brokers top producer. Mary couldn't be happier with the outcome and she says she owe's it all to our amazing program.

Fabby had been working in the spiritual healing and guidance industry for nearly 2 decades. She had seen an uprising trend with more and more people getting into this line of work which had become problematic for her. She wasn't getting the clients that she was use to getting and was struggling on how to be get her message out to more people so that she could continue to help as many people as possible.
I truly related to Fabby because I too was in the helping people business. Within about 90 days after completing our program, Fabby was able to figure out a better marketing plan that would be promoted on some prominent platforms along with bringing on a copy writer to help her with her message. Now her business is growing at an unbelievable rate. She's now even doing a majority of her sessions remotely with just as much of an impact as she had with one on one in-person meetings.
Fabby M. Spiritual Guide & Counselor I truly related to Fabby because I too was in the helping people business. Within about 90 days after completing our program, Fabby was able to figure out a better marketing plan that would be promoted on some prominent platforms along with bringing on a copy writer to help her with her message. Now her business is growing at an unbelievable rate. She's now even doing a majority of her sessions remotely with just as much of an impact as she had with one on one in-person meetings.

Mark was a second generation construction business owner. He was struggling with retaining good employees and cash flow. The demand was there for his business to grow but, he was really concerned with the possibility of losing the business that his father and uncle had worked so hard to build.
Within about 6 months after completing our program, Mark was able to right his ship and has the business heading full steam ahead. He is now doing projects in 4 other neighboring counties, cash flow has never been in a better position and not only has he been able to retain good solid employees, he has been able to bring on a general manager who has helped with the hiring process so that they bring on only quality workers. He is project to have a 170% growth in his business by this time next year.
Mark S. Within about 6 months after completing our program, Mark was able to right his ship and has the business heading full steam ahead. He is now doing projects in 4 other neighboring counties, cash flow has never been in a better position and not only has he been able to retain good solid employees, he has been able to bring on a general manager who has helped with the hiring process so that they bring on only quality workers. He is project to have a 170% growth in his business by this time next year.

Tina was not happy with her carrier path. She felt that her current employer was taking advantage of her and wasn't allow her to grow along with being compensated like some of the other sales persons in the Company. But, like so many others she was deathly afraid to venture out and find a Company that was better suited to her skill sets along with paying her according to her output.
After Tina completed our program, she gained the confidence that she needed to finally get herself out there and to find what she had been needing for quite sometime. She eventually landed her dream job. She's making more money than ever before, has more quality time to spend with loved ones and has recently taken up playing the piano. Her life has changed so quickly that she says she just can't believe this is all true. Well, it is Tina.
Tina E. Cosmetic distribution After Tina completed our program, she gained the confidence that she needed to finally get herself out there and to find what she had been needing for quite sometime. She eventually landed her dream job. She's making more money than ever before, has more quality time to spend with loved ones and has recently taken up playing the piano. Her life has changed so quickly that she says she just can't believe this is all true. Well, it is Tina.

Ready to Add Your Own Story?
You’ve just read about the incredible results of some of my past clients, people who shared your same challenges but also your dream of living a better life. Their journey from where you are to where you want to be started with a single step, and for a short time, I’m excited to offer that same opportunity to you. If you’re ready to get started, click the button below now to book your free Breakthrough Session.